Sanitas Talk @NECSTLab

NECSTLab at Politecnico di Milano kindly invited Sandro Pastore, CEO and co-founder of Sanitas EG, to introduce the Company story, projects and products and to discuss about business opportunities and profitable cooperation between Academic and Industrial worlds .

The NECST Lab (Novel, Emerging Computing System Technologies Laboratory), located at DEIB (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Biomedica) of Politecnico di Milano, gathers several research themes:  different research lines on advanced topics in computing systems, ranging from architectural characteristics, to hardware-software co-design methodologies, to security and dependability issues of complex system architectures (scaling from mobile devices to large virtualized data centers). Furthermore, the laboratory pursues its “historical” tradition of research in the definition of methodologies and techniques regarding testability, auto-diagnosis and fault tolerance both for hardware architectures and hardware-software systems.

In particular INVENTAMI, our SBC, and its potential exploitation in different application fields has been the focus of the discussion.